Unicef UK Moves Employees to Box for Content Access and Collaboration
We're thrilled to welcome Unicef UK to the Box family. The world's leading organization for children's rights and emergency relief is deploying Box to its UK staff to help with collaboration and to improve content management and mobile information sharing.
“Our staff work with colleagues and partners around the world on hundreds of projects," said Ian Williamson, ICT Director at Unicef UK. "Box will provide us with a platform to help manage our content more effectively and to be more efficient and productive in our work for children.”
After launching Box.org in 2014 we've made it our goal to enable nonprofits to innovate and reach their mission with the use of Box. Unicef UK's choice of Box underscores the increased adoption we’ve seen in Europe, as organizations and companies of all sizes move towards a more mobile and collaborative workforce.
Unicef UK joins our growing list of non-profits which already includes, among many, the International Rescue Committee, the UN Foundation and Oxfam. Unicef UK raises funds to protect children in danger, change their lives and build a safer world. With the support of partners, individuals and organizations, Unicef UK also works to influence policy makers to safeguard the rights of children everywhere—especially the most disadvantaged. We're excited they've chosen Box to play a small part to help further that mission.
To learn more about how Box enables nonprofits to transform the way they work, check out Box.org.