Draw, Circle, Scan: Increase your mobile productivity

Increase your productivity

We understand that you are busy and on the go. Over the course of your day, you may start your work at your desk but end up working from the kitchen, sofa, back patio, or anywhere else your busy life takes you. You need the flexibility to collaborate and work when and how you choose. 

Box does just that. In an increasingly mobile world, Box meets you wherever you want to work with flexible, mobile tools that securely extend your workspace to anywhere. So, whether you're in the field, on your way to catch a flight, or supervising your children as they distance learn, you can connect with your team and keep your projects on track. 

Today, we are excited to announce new Annotations and document scanning enhancements that will help power your productivity and keep your work moving forward.

Supercharge your review process

Annotations help streamline the review process and save time by keeping all your feedback in one place and making it easy to access across Web and Mobile. That means increased collaboration, more transparency and accelerated decision-making--all while working together. 

Now, you can step up your review process and increase its effectiveness with free-form Annotations. For the times when it's easier to draw your feedback, free-form Annotations provide increased flexibility by letting you quickly circle text, draw arrows, or sketch pictures.

Mobile productivity

Additionally, we are thrilled to announce Annotations support for Apple Pencil on iPad. With the Apple Pencil, you can make comments as easily as you might on paper by jotting down notes or making edits. Handwritten notes can easily be translated to typed text using Apple Scribble--no need to use your built in keyboard. 


To keep your review moving quickly, free-form Annotations can be created on iPhone or iPad with your finger, on iPad using the Apple Pencil, or on Web using your mouse or trackpad, and viewed on Web and on iOS and Android mobile phones and tablets.

Scan and capture content

Having access to our content and being able to collaborate from anywhere allows us to stay nimble and make the most of our work time. Whether you're in the field taking pictures or need to scan and upload documents from your home office, you can now seamlessly capture and share content directly from the Box iOS app. 

With our new document sharing capabilities you can: 

  • Capture images on your mobile iOS device and convert them into PDF files
  • Edit, crop, rotate, and adjust colors on captured images
  • Automatically use the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) process to recognize text and enable keyword search within the documents
Mobile Scan

A simpler, more organized Box on your iPad

Staying organized is a huge part of staying productive. To help you keep a handle on your workspace, we plan to release a refreshed iPad user experience that will provide better access to content and enable you to easily find what you need, when you need it. Look for the new experience in late February 2021.

Move your work forward

The future of work is mobile and Box is here to help. From simplifying review to document capture on the go, we are making it easier for you to work when and where you choose. 

Be sure to get the latest version of the Box App from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

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Box free trial includes native e‑signatures, lets you securely manage, share and access your content from anywhere.

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