Why 3 execs wish they had moved their content to the cloud sooner
In case you missed the great session at BoxWorks ‘21 — Now's the time to move to the Content Cloud— here’s a recap that underscores why you can’t afford to wait any longer to take action! If a recap isn’t enough — you can always catch the session on-demand here.
No doubt, you’ve heard a lot lately about the importance of migrating your content to the cloud. In fact, our recent blog post offered an in-depth explanation of the benefits of the cloud and cloud migration. However, if you’re still hesitant to make that move, we get it. The thought of finding and moving a massive amount of content from all of your company's various different content silos, such as legacy ECM, on-premises file shares, SharePoint sites, or EFSS tools, can be daunting. But what if we assured you that taking the leap to the cloud was so much easier and much more affordable than you imagined?
That’s exactly the conclusion that was shared by Jesse Carrillo, SVP and CIO at Hines Interests Global Real Estate Group, Vikram Jadhav, Chief Digital Officer at the Los Angeles City Employee Retirement System (LACERS), and Ralph Bellandi, Global CIO at Vice Media, during their discussion at BoxWorks ‘21. The session, moderated by Box’s Joe Klinker, put the spotlight on Box Shuttle, our package of game-changing content migration tools that make it simple to move content to the cloud.
Box Shuttle: Take the anxiety out of content migration
Box Shuttle is able to handle everything that you need to migrate your content, including moving content from more than 15 source systems, using both on-premises and cloud connectors, and allowing for critical restructuring with zero downtime. Box Shuttle also offers robust analysis of your existing source tools to understand the full blueprint of your content before your migration begins, and so much more.
But don’t just take our word for it. Here are some of highlights from the three content visionaries on our BoxWorks panel:
‘We became aware of Box Shuttle right after our initial Box POC. We loved it right from the start. We immediately jumped into Box Shuttle — right into the live migration. It was a software package that we thought that we absolutely couldn't do without. And we were proven right! It was essential for us to do!”
-Ralph Bellandi, Global CIO at Vice Media
“We started the migration two years ago. I wish that we had Box Shuttle in our lives much sooner. Going through the migration with Box Shuttle has shown us all the areas of operations that we need to bolster and strengthen. If we could have worked with Box years ago, we'd be in a great space right now. Box Shuttle was a huge lift for us.”
-Vikram Jadhav, Chief Digital Officer at the Los Angeles City Employee Retirement System (LACERS)
“Box Shuttle has been fantastic. The technology is incredible. The access to Box services, like Box Consulting, and our connection with the folks at Box has been a big win for us. We were able to leverage Box expertise to really help us run these projects. It's been a huge, fantastic partnership. They rock!”
-Jesse Carrillo, SVP and CIO, Hines Global Real Estate Group
As our three session speakers verified, you can easily move your company’s content from “all over the place” to one centralized place. Our secure, affordable platform makes collaboration and integration with other apps simple and accessible. Make the move towards a new, digital way of working with the content cloud and Box Shuttle.
If you’re ready to take the leap into the Content Cloud, we’re here to help! Box Shuttle is available now for Box customers to migrate 10 terabytes of content into Box — completely free of charge! And if you’re a Box Enterprise Plus customer, you can migrate up to 20 terabytes! To get started, just fill out this quick survey.