Getting started with Box Canvas: Toolbar, templates, and more

Brainstorming on a conference room whiteboard just doesn’t cut it anymore. 

When your goal is to share ideas, collectively collaborate, and converge on solutions, you need a little something more. Box Canvas is here to carry on where dry-erase markers left off.  

Canvas is the new visual whiteboarding tool that’s now part of your Box subscription — a tool that you can use to freestyle, freeform, and freewheel ideas in a collaborative digital environment. Available alongside other tools such as Box Notes and Content Insights, Canvas includes infinite space and an intuitive toolset with the versatility to go beyond mere notes in a meeting.

With Canvas, you can brainstorm a new product, host an interactive workshop, create a visual storyboard, or diagram a process flow — all in an accessible, easy to share, secure Box interface. 

Box Canvas

Getting started is easy. Here are a few things you can try right from the toolbar:

  • Freeform draw: Sketch out ideas with the pen tool — choose the width and color of the pen, and erase when and where you need to, even using the pen tool to “mark up” a document by hand

  • Place elements: Storyboard exactly the way you want with text inputs and shapes 

  • Visualize process flows: Tie everything together and illustrate the flow with connectors, color patterns, and shapes

  • Collaborate in real time: With live cursors, you can see what others add, and threaded comments with resolution capability make it easy to add direct feedback 

  • Get easy feedback: Sticky notes and emoji voting give everyone an instant voice

Getting familiar with Canvas and its features is a great way to get started. Another is to choose one of 20+ templates that will help you and your team get creativity flowing quickly. An easy-to-use picker helps you select the best template quickly. 

Box Canvas

For example, the “Rose, Bud, Thorn Retrospective” template offers a great way for teams to collectively provide constructive feedback after a sprint, project, or task is finished. 

Box Canvas Example Rose, Bud, Thrown

“Two Truths and a Lie” is a good icebreaker template for getting your teams’ imagination going.

Box Canvas

And there are plenty more, or, start with a tabula rasa and let your imagination be the limit to what you can create with Canvas.

Box Canvas doesn’t just replace the old paradigm of a whiteboard and dry-erase markers. It opens up the potential for both remote and in-person team collaboration to flourish and thrive in the digital era. We can’t wait to find out what you do with it.

Ready to get started? Try Box Canvas today!

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