Prepare yourself for the new era of work

When we launched the Box Certified Professional (BCP) program in 2016, we knew that the future of work was coming, and that our customers were looking to prepare. Hundreds of IT administrators, tech-savvy end users, and fledging business leaders invested their time in BCP, learning how to evolve their business with the ever-changing digital landscape. 

Then, almost overnight, we - and the whole world - were forced to pivot. Back in March, work became remote: We exchanged conference rooms for Zooms, coffee chats for Slacks, and suddenly there was no "future of work". There was just "now".

Our customers were actively looking for solutions to urgent problems. How do I use Box effectively to keep business moving? How do I move this in-person business process digital? How do I manage this sudden, urgent change? And so, in May, we released BCP online, with the goal of helping our network of digital leaders answer these critical questions.

The future of work has become the "now" of work, and we know that Box must play a role in helping organizations adjust to - and thrive in - the new era of work. And so, we're excited to introduce you to the new Box Education, ready to help you become the digital leader that your organization needs.

Whether you are embarking on - or accelerating - your Box journey, Box Education is here to support your content management strategy, top to bottom. Our classes are always free, and our learning strategy is intentionally designed to help you upskill for the future of work:

  • Administrator proficiency: We've developed a robust administrator learning track, ready to help you become the cloud content management expert that organizations need. Get started today by registering for "Optimizing with Box," formerly known as BCP training
  • End user enablement: Even the most proficient administrator will only succeed if end users succeed as well. Box Education will help empower your users to work more effectively than ever, without taxing your workload.
  • Topics and specializations: Box admins need expertise across a broad swath of topics, from collaboration, to security, to the larger technology ecosystem. Box Education will help you round out your cloud content management expertise. 

Here's the thing: Everybody learns new tools and strategies in different ways. That's why the Box Education approach includes different types of programs for different types of learners - so you're able to learn however you'd like! 

Don’t just learn – validate your expertise and showcase it! With a Box certification, you can build your personal brand as an expert in how work gets done. As soon as today, anyone can sign up for the Box Certified Professional exam – now just $100. Get access to Box certification summits, special invitations to Box experiences, and more. And, as the Box Education program grows, we're looking forward to bringing you more certifications - helping you grow your career in the new way of work. 

It's time to start - or continue - your journey. Join us today, and let's tackle the "now" of work together. Visit us on Box Community to learn more, or login to Box University today to get started!

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