Download Box Mobile for a free extra 10GB of storage

Box mobile

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Our mobile app rocks. Whether you want to quickly skim yesterday’s powerpoint, share your meeting notes with a colleague, scan a contract, Box Mobile keeps all your content at your finger tips with an all-in-one, secure all-in-one productivity app that let’s you efficiently share and collaborate from anywhere.

Last year, I found that work and life had blended together. More and more, I was relying on Box Mobile to share content on the go or to quickly review and approve last minute messaging when I was away from my desk. My ah-ha moment came when I was volunteering for my educational non-profit, and I had to scan and submit my vaccine card. I turned to Box Mobile and haven’t looked back since. From sending in taxes and receipts to my accountant, to recording video clips of my son’s graduation, I’ve come to rely on Box Mobile in both as general manager of my household and as a Box Product Marketing Manager.

Box mobile

That’s why I’m excited to announce that Box is giving away an extra 10 GBs of free storage to new Box Mobile users who download the app before August 31, 2022. 

Box Mobile is a seriously better app. Just imagine what’s possible with an extra 10 GBs of storage…

  • Got a social media side gig? Look out, that’s an additional 20,000 GIFs!
  • Missed a lecture? That’s an extra 30,000 pages of scanned notes from your study buddy
  • Hosting a podcast? Store 7,280 more minutes of audio recordings
  • Managing a “business of one”? Upload and share over 30,000 receipts with your accountant

But don’t just take it from us, check out what’s being said by Box Mobile users:

“Very underrated cloud service. Very intuitive design. Absolutely no complaints on modern Android devices.”

“Great management app. All the usual features and more! . . . Also I love that the folder's total size is displayed! That's a unique feature in my experience. I wish other online storages would pick up on that feature. Overall a fantastic App.”

“Box is truly one of, if not THE best of all of the popular cloud storage apps today. . . .I was DUMBFOUNDED that it took me so long to start using Box & its cloud storage. Just try it, trust me.”

'Box Mobile works exactly how it should: it’s easy to organize and manage files. As a musician I love that it will play audio files in sequence, making it possible to make a mixtape or sequence songs and share. Great for hearing rough mixes on the go and sending them around. After trying other [apps] this is BY FAR the best. It doesn’t do any cute crap with the interface or try to curate your files; you can organize them exactly as you want. Plus it’s affordable. Fantastic job, Box people!”

What are you waiting for? Sign up for your free Box account today and download Box Mobile for iOS or Android to claim your extra 10 GB of storage. 

Free 14-day trial.
No risk.

Box free trial includes native e‑signatures, lets you securely manage, share and access your content from anywhere.

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